Take a look at these: Science Kids www.sciencekids.co.nz/experiments.html This site has many science experiments, games, quizzes, projects, and more. Webmaker https://webmaker.org/en-US/tools/ This site provides three web-making tools with directions for getting started. Wonderopolis wonderopolis.org According to this site, Wonderopolis is a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages. There are many topics to explore and videos to watch. Youngzine www.youngzine.org Youngzine is a child-centered website that provides articles, images, and videos about world news, science and technology, society and arts, movies, and books. School-age children are encouraged to respond to the content and may submit articles, short stories, and book reviews. All content is reviewed by Youngzine's editors and updated every 2 weeks. Grades K-8.