If you are not sure how to talk to your children about the current refugee crisis, start with a book. The titles below are picture books about refugees that are set in a variety of historical periods, as well as present day. In addition to teaching children to have compassion for refugees, it's important to look at how refugees have played a part in the making of countries throughout history. Be sure to read these books aloud to your older children as well, since picture books are a great way to introduce advanced readers to tough topics. Four Feet, Two Sandals by Karen Lynn Williams How I Learned Geography by Uri Shulevitz Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story by Ken Mochizuki Journey Home by Lawrence McKay, Jr. The Colour of Home by Mary Hoffman Brothers in Hope: the Story of the Lost Boys of Sudan by Mary Williams Dia's Story Cloth: The Hmong People's Journey of Freedom by Dia Cha How Many Days to America?: A Thanksgiving Story by Eve Bunt...