Disney Interactive has launched the web series "Citizen Kid" that revolves around extraordinary things children can accomplish when they embrace their interests and talents. Disney plans to produce 18 episodes
of the show, with exclusive sponsor Milk, and show how kids set up a lemonade stand or play chess to better the world around them.
The first three episodes launched started with Hailey, a 9 year old ice skater and Olympic hopeful who gathers skates and hockey equipment to help host lessons for underprivileged kids. The second focuses
on a 12 year old who took interest in garbage collection and raised money for charity by recycling ink
cartridges, cell phones, and other tech trash from local businesses.
In addition to its own website, episodes of "Citizen Kid" stream on Babble, an online magazine for
young, educated urban parents that Disney Interactive acquired in 2011.
of the show, with exclusive sponsor Milk, and show how kids set up a lemonade stand or play chess to better the world around them.
The first three episodes launched started with Hailey, a 9 year old ice skater and Olympic hopeful who gathers skates and hockey equipment to help host lessons for underprivileged kids. The second focuses
on a 12 year old who took interest in garbage collection and raised money for charity by recycling ink
cartridges, cell phones, and other tech trash from local businesses.
In addition to its own website, episodes of "Citizen Kid" stream on Babble, an online magazine for
young, educated urban parents that Disney Interactive acquired in 2011.