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Showing posts from July, 2015

Read about Dan Santat, the author of "The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend".

Dan Santat on Inspiration    Earlier this year, Dan Santat received the 2015 Caldecott Medal for 'The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend.' The American Library Association requested that all medal and honor winners record videos of themselves discussing inspirational Caldecott books. In his video, Santat recalls meeting David Shannon who won a Caldecott Honor in 1999 for the book No, David! . During that meeting Shannon gave Santat some remarkable advice: “you need to start all over again.” Santat took that conversation to heart. Years later, the two artists met again at a book signing; things came full circle when Shannon complimented Santat on his artwork for Beekle . Watch Santat’s video below. Click here to read the acceptance speech Santat gave at the Newbery-Caldecott-Wilder Banquet.

Bedtime Reading is Awesome!!!

The Benefits of Bedtime Reading     Who says bedtime stories are just for kids? Psychologists find that reading before bed stimulates sleepiness in people of all ages. Over time, the nightly act of reading conditions children to associate bedtime stories with relaxation and sleep. For adults who have difficulty sleeping, the key to a good night’s sleep may be as simple as renewing this childhood ritual. Reading to kids at bedtime serves many functions. Language and literacy development are obvious benefits. But reading also gives kids a time for physical closeness with parents, which serves as a sort of emotional security check-in…Bedtime reading also provides a point of focus and distraction, away from the day’s activities and frustrations. ( Brightly )

Stronger interest in nonfiction for children

Publishers and booksellers are reporting a greater demand for high-quality children's nonfiction, ranging from narrative nonfiction to fact-based, historical fiction.  The trend reflects the Common Core State Standards’ emphasis on nonfiction, as well as the emergence of guidebooks and spinoffs for popular games such as Minecraft. Bookstores have responded to the increased demand by expanding their nonfiction sections and breaking out new categories. Adult publishers like Ohio University Press are also capitalizing on the trend by launching their own children’s nonfiction series. While some parents are challenging the Common Core, one thing they haven’t questioned is the value of having a broader selection of narrative nonfiction for their children to read. The strength of certain series, along with publishers’ repackaging efforts, could keep the interest in kids’ nonfiction strong even if Common Core goes away. ( Publishers Weekly )

Reading Can Improve Health!

Beyond the intellectual benefits, research shows that setting aside time to read on a regular basis can have a significant impact on one's health and well-being.  Read more by clicking on the link below: Sounds good to me! ~Miss Elena